放射技术专家是医疗专业人员,其主要责任是使用医疗设备创建患者身体的图像, 帮助医生诊断和治疗疾病和伤害,同时促进辐射安全和提供高质量的病人护理. 该课程的学生将学习掌握作为放射技师所需的技术,并成为患者护理团队的重要成员.

After successful completion of the requirements for the associates 学位 are met, 学生必须参加由美国放射技师注册局管理的国家认证考试, to become a Registered Technologist RT (R), 在进入职场之前. 

Why Study Radiologic Technology at 高地上大学 of Montana Tech?

With time spent in both clinical and classroom settings, students in this program experience hands-on, real-life experiences; working with the latest equipment and technology; preparing them to earn ARRT certification and registration in radiography, and enter the workforce as a registered radiologic technologist


Highlands on-site radiography lab provides a functional x-ray room; allowing hands-on practice in a lab setting before applying the skills learned in the clinical setting.


临床时间花在沉浸在专业中,并与注册技术人员一起工作,将课堂上学到的知识付诸行动. You will ultimately complete over 1,200 clinical hours at one of our affiliated clinical facilities in the region.


被高地学院录取并不保证被放射技术专业录取. 一旦完成了课程的先决条件,就会通过正式和竞争性的选择过程被接受. Each spring if you have completed or are enrolled in all program prerequisite courses, you may submit an application to the program. A limited number of students are admitted each year, due to limited clinical space.


Program applicants must provide proof of a job shadow experience with a 注册技术专家.


In addition to successful completion of prerequisite courses and job shadow hours, program applicants must provide the following with their program application:

  • CPR认证-必须是美国心脏协会或美国红十字会的基本生命支持- BLS. The CPR card must be current, and maintained throughout the program.
  •  Vaccinations: 3-part Hepatitis B series or positive titer; 2 MMR, proof of varicella vaccination/history of chicken pox or positive titer
  • 当前结核清除试验
  • 推荐信
  • 一篇文章
  • 那些被接受的人必须在临床工作开始前自费提交明确的背景调查结果


  • COVID-19疫苗接种(或残疾服务部门批准的医疗或宗教豁免)
  • 清晰的药物筛选
  • 本季流感疫苗
  • 两部分结核病筛查

Certification - An Important Outcome

放射技术计划准备学生达到在医疗保健行业取得成功所必需的最高标准. After successful completion of the requirements for the associates 学位 are met, 学生必须参加由美国放射技师注册局管理的国家认证考试, to become a Registered Technologist RT (R), 在进入职场之前. 蒙大拿州理工学院已经确定,放射技术项目满足学生在蒙大拿州寻求执照/认证所需的教育要求.  参考我们的 许可页面 获取更多信息,并确定对蒙大拿州以外州的要求.

现在就申请菲律宾十大彩票平台学院2024 Radiologic Technology Program Application


For ARRT registry examination on the first try, 2019 & 2020




With diverse healthcare experience


有兴趣通过迈尔斯城卫星项目完成临床时数的学生是一个单独的申请人群体, submitting a unique program application – posted here each February. 被录取的学生每周, 在迈尔斯市举行的现场实验室, with all other coursework online or via zoom. 在该地区(迈尔斯市、格伦代夫或悉尼)的医院完成了门诊时间。. Satellite students must complete the same prerequisites (or accepted transfer courses) to be eligible to apply for the program; prerequisites can be taken through Miles Community College and online through Montana Tech- contact the radiologic technology advisor for further information.


Do you live in or near Montana's Electric City? 有兴趣在大瀑布完成临床时间的学生将填写与巴特地区学生相同的申请, 在申请表上注明大瀑布是他们的首选,或者如果有机会他们会考虑. Great Falls area students attend Great Falls Clinic Hospital for clinical hours; in-person weekly labs are held in Great Falls, with all other coursework online or via zoom. 学生必须完成相同的先决条件(或接受转学课程)才有资格进入大瀑布的诊所. Contact the radiologic technology advisor for further information.


What Kinds of Jobs Do Radiologic Technologists Get?

A career in radiologic technology can lead in many directions, and there is strong demand for work across the country. Work settings after graduation can vary widely from hospitals, 去诊所, 医生的办公室, 移动单位, 教育, 管理, 研究, 公共卫生, and sales or service of radiographic equipment.  在成为注册技师后,也有很多机会专攻并获得其他放射学模式的认证, 包括:核磁共振成像, 计算机断层扫描, 放射治疗, 乳房x光检查, 核医学, interventional cardiac or vascular radiography, 和超声.




Number of projected annual job openings through 3031

Explore Classes in Radiologic Technology

我们的放射技术综合课程包括解剖学的重要研究 & 生理学, 射线照相程序, 辐射安全, 放射影像制作, Radiologic Sciences – Physics and Biology, Patient Care and 健康care Ethics & 规定.

Learn More About Radiologic Technology at Montana Tech

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护理 students performing CPR on a mannequin


Student performing physical therapy on another person

Gain a fundamental background in health, human performance and disease prevention.

Hand holding a sculpture of the anatomy of an eye

Launch a career in medicine, dentistry, occupational or physical therapy and more.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.
